Market Environment Analysis
The nowadays market is so dynamic and changeable, that no firm can afford to ignore the most up-to-date market information. The in-depth analysis of the business portfolio becomes indispensable for a company to develop a fit business strategy and improve market position.
Acmite's matrix for business portfolio analysis is one of the most comprehensive and sophisticated models to
- evaluate the market's risks and chances,
- assess the company's strengths and competitive position, and
- identify the most attractive industries or markets
Typical factors on macro-level:
- Market size
- Market growth rate
- Market profitability
- Overall risk of returns in the industry
- Entry barriers
- Political and regulatory environment
- Social/cultural environment
- Demographic pattern and trends
- Infrastructure
- Relevant technology development
Typical factors on micro-level:
- Products and product image
- Innovations and technologies
- Market share
- Intra-industrial and extra-industrial competition
- Distribution structure
- Assets and financial competence
- Management competence
- Demand variability
- Customer loyalty
- Supply sources